Tuesday, June 10, 2008

yesterday & today

I ran out of time to blog yesterday, Monday, so this will serve as both.

On Monday, AK (all knowing), creature, and I went to Discovery Green. If you are not from Houston (or even if you are) it is this amazing "Green" area in the middle of downtown. (www.discoverygreen.com)

They have this A.W.E.S.O.M.E. kids area. Not your normal fair. It was neat. However, I decided to only bring Pierce's new crocs and that was not okay. The creature would not put them on, SO he crawled. There, my nearly two y/o crawled on all the play toys. It was a pathetic sight.

Then we had a picnic - cloth napkins, thank you very much - and thoroughly enjoyed each other.

The problem came when we went to find the splash/fountain area. Sadly it, like our pool, is closed on Monday's. Finley was very disappointed.

So plan B.

We headed to Pearland to go to their splash/fountain thing. It was on our way home and worked perfectly. Yet, the ground was terribly hot and Pierce wouldn't wear shoes, yada, yada, yada. Finally he agreed to wear Finley's fuchsia crocs - that look just like his old pair.

Oh, we also met another "Finley." She was 2, so I was happy about that. Her name is, "Fenley Claire."

They had a ball!


We had so much fun today! It could have not been more perfect.

We headed out around 1000 to go to Miller Outdoor Theatre (www.milleroutdoor.com). It is connected to Hermann Park, the zoo etc.

We went to hear the Houston Area Young Performers. It was all classical music - piano, violin, voice, drums. It was cool. The creature LOVED it. He didn't move, whine, speak for a whole HOUR. I couldn't believe it. Finley was excited too. However, nothing was going to match her excitement later.

The performance was about an hour. Then it was time for another picnic lunch. We found a lovely spot under a tree. Delightful.

The location of Hermann Park is downtown, very lush, beautiful, but also metropolitan. There were many homeless people about. There was one lady, in particular. She was sitting on a bench near a trashcan. I debated about whether or not she was homeless but judging from the stroller filled with her personal belongings I decided she must be. Then I decided she just might bring her stuff around with her. I didn't want to insult her by offering her food and money if she was just taking a walk. I am an odd duck.

So, Pierce and I made several trips to the trashcan to size up the situation. After our second trip, the lady got up and went and pulled food from the trashcan. It was then that I was sure. There were so many people have picnics, there was no doubt a lot of food. I was so effected by this woman. We had a bit of food leftover and so Pierce and I offered it to her. She was very grateful.

When we were all done, I had an extra bit of noodles left. I asked Finley to take them to the lady. The lady was now a good distance away. As Finley walked, noodles in one hand her bag of brownie bites in the other she slowly moved the brownie bites behind her back. I guess she was afraid the woman would also want the brownie bites.

Finley gave the noodles and ran back to me. She was so proud.

I do appreciate that Finley & Pierce get to experience those experiences. Finley asked me why she was eating out of the trashcan, why she was homeless, etc. I told her the best I could that some people had problems, addictions, and some people just didn't have hope.

Finley asked, "why don't some people have hope?" A question for us all to think about and respond to.

I had been told that the train that goes around Hermann Park would not be running again until 2009. Wrong. There it was, up and running.

We found and rode the train. It was a huge hit. Finley LOVED it. She kept saying, "all aboard."

It took about 20 minutes to go around the park. During that time the weather changed from lovely to downright scary.

No sooner did we get to the car than it started downpooring, thunder and lightening! We are home now. Dry, safe, sound, and asleep.

Tonight is Finley's last regular dance practice before her big recital. We are going to have dinner with Sophia, Holland and their momma's.

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