Monday, September 8, 2008

we keep mowing and mowing

I mowed the lawn.

I am putting the baby to sleep.

Must run.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The election

Here's the thing with politics, wine, and friends. . .they can be mixed, but should they? I was told that I am hyper-sensitive by my husband, my friend, his wife, our other friend and my babysitter. Maybe I am. I don't see this as a negative thing. I see this as possibly getting in the way of my rational thought BUT moreover, I think that it is one of my endearing qualities - one of mine.

So, for the record my biggest issue was not that the discussion occurred, but rather that it might have harmed our friendship. It is interesting, especially from the perspective of men and women, that he thought the discussion strengthened our relationship and I was certain it had damaged it.

At the end of the day, I am happy that I have such loving friends, a husband, and a babysitter that can all tell me like it is and love me because of it not despite it!

Later. The babysitter is leaving and I will be left alone with The one and her brother.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Outside on my driveway is:

14 bags of trash
1 table
2 crates*
2 diaper pails
1 trashcan filled with trash
2 large boxes

If I am not white trash, I don't know what I am.

However, my upstairs is going to look DAMN awesome IF I ever finish. . .

One crate is filled with MUN stuff from high school. I graduated in 1997. Packrat much?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

the problem

With blogs would be that you are never sure who, if anyone is reading it. So, with that said, I can't blog or vent about what (or who) I would like to because I am not sure who is reading it.

Therefore, all I can say is this. . . Nothing.

yesterday & today

I ran out of time to blog yesterday, Monday, so this will serve as both.

On Monday, AK (all knowing), creature, and I went to Discovery Green. If you are not from Houston (or even if you are) it is this amazing "Green" area in the middle of downtown. (

They have this A.W.E.S.O.M.E. kids area. Not your normal fair. It was neat. However, I decided to only bring Pierce's new crocs and that was not okay. The creature would not put them on, SO he crawled. There, my nearly two y/o crawled on all the play toys. It was a pathetic sight.

Then we had a picnic - cloth napkins, thank you very much - and thoroughly enjoyed each other.

The problem came when we went to find the splash/fountain area. Sadly it, like our pool, is closed on Monday's. Finley was very disappointed.

So plan B.

We headed to Pearland to go to their splash/fountain thing. It was on our way home and worked perfectly. Yet, the ground was terribly hot and Pierce wouldn't wear shoes, yada, yada, yada. Finally he agreed to wear Finley's fuchsia crocs - that look just like his old pair.

Oh, we also met another "Finley." She was 2, so I was happy about that. Her name is, "Fenley Claire."

They had a ball!


We had so much fun today! It could have not been more perfect.

We headed out around 1000 to go to Miller Outdoor Theatre ( It is connected to Hermann Park, the zoo etc.

We went to hear the Houston Area Young Performers. It was all classical music - piano, violin, voice, drums. It was cool. The creature LOVED it. He didn't move, whine, speak for a whole HOUR. I couldn't believe it. Finley was excited too. However, nothing was going to match her excitement later.

The performance was about an hour. Then it was time for another picnic lunch. We found a lovely spot under a tree. Delightful.

The location of Hermann Park is downtown, very lush, beautiful, but also metropolitan. There were many homeless people about. There was one lady, in particular. She was sitting on a bench near a trashcan. I debated about whether or not she was homeless but judging from the stroller filled with her personal belongings I decided she must be. Then I decided she just might bring her stuff around with her. I didn't want to insult her by offering her food and money if she was just taking a walk. I am an odd duck.

So, Pierce and I made several trips to the trashcan to size up the situation. After our second trip, the lady got up and went and pulled food from the trashcan. It was then that I was sure. There were so many people have picnics, there was no doubt a lot of food. I was so effected by this woman. We had a bit of food leftover and so Pierce and I offered it to her. She was very grateful.

When we were all done, I had an extra bit of noodles left. I asked Finley to take them to the lady. The lady was now a good distance away. As Finley walked, noodles in one hand her bag of brownie bites in the other she slowly moved the brownie bites behind her back. I guess she was afraid the woman would also want the brownie bites.

Finley gave the noodles and ran back to me. She was so proud.

I do appreciate that Finley & Pierce get to experience those experiences. Finley asked me why she was eating out of the trashcan, why she was homeless, etc. I told her the best I could that some people had problems, addictions, and some people just didn't have hope.

Finley asked, "why don't some people have hope?" A question for us all to think about and respond to.

I had been told that the train that goes around Hermann Park would not be running again until 2009. Wrong. There it was, up and running.

We found and rode the train. It was a huge hit. Finley LOVED it. She kept saying, "all aboard."

It took about 20 minutes to go around the park. During that time the weather changed from lovely to downright scary.

No sooner did we get to the car than it started downpooring, thunder and lightening! We are home now. Dry, safe, sound, and asleep.

Tonight is Finley's last regular dance practice before her big recital. We are going to have dinner with Sophia, Holland and their momma's.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Penis or pita

So, the all knowing said something too funny tonight at dinner. We were having gyros. Finley said, as Pierce pierced his Pita with a fork: "silly pierce has his penis on his fork." great. Joy, we are so proud.

I have a brand new tablet PC & Ian trying to get used to writing on it. It is pretty neat, but I can Stoll type faster: l The darlings t I are going to Discovery green tomorrow . It is our Kick-off to summer. Pray for us and anyone else that has the misfortune to be near us in the heat!


I have decided to make the move and transition all the toys upstairs to: THE GAMEROOM. Um, hello, why the hell haven't they been upstairs ALL along? In anycase, this wasn't just a move, no it was a total room transformation. Well, it is a total room transformation. Done? Not even close.

I got the idea that it would be a sophisticated gameroom. Is there such a thing? So, blue/aqua/tourqiouse and brown. It looks good, but it is a cave. Now, before the toys can go up there I have to find a place for all the other crap to go.

The good news about buying this house, is that we now know what it is we have to look for in all future houses (not that I will E.V.E.R. be able to sell this house, but that is another blog, for another day) - storage.

It is 1210 and the crying from upstairs has stopped - one down for a nap - and my husband is still playing raquetball. The All Knowing it still up and I don't see her going to sleep anytime soon!

Tomorrow is the first start of our "summer."

My goal is to blog and post pictures everyday! Wish me luck. . .

It's five o'clock somewhere, other than just in my wine glass!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Turn Around

Tonight there was an eclipse. I didn't see it. I don't think I could see it. Perhaps had I actually gone outside, I might have been able to see it.

Instead, I stayed inside. I did, however, sing a tribute to Bonnie Tyler and had a total eclipse in my heart. About nine years ago, gasp, I was on Christmas break during my first year of college. I was skiing in Switzerland with Dear Kelly. I have some recollection of too much wine, too many Christmas cookies and a homage to Bonnie Tyler.

I have been known to pick up a gavel and sing a bit of Bonnie to my students at the beginning of class. What they figure out very quickly is, if they do anything other than smile, I begin the song over again and repeat it in its entirety.

Dear John and I are going out Friday and Saturday night, a birthday party is sandwiched in between on Saturday afternoon. Why is it, though, that the preparation of going out almost superceeds the actual going out? In order to leave the house without the darlings, there have to be care-takers. This means that people other than the four of us will be in our house. In order for them to think I am not the worst house-keeper in the world, I must C.L.E.A.N. This is something that I do not relish. I know you think you don't relish it, but my cleaning ruins the lives of those around me. . . Another issue for another day.

Finally, the true reason I am here - Project Runway. I L.O.V.E. it. I can't seem to get enough of Chris and Christian this season. I am starting to pick up Timisms. I tell my students, "make it work." Who am I?

Although I do love it - I love The Real Housewives of Orange County more. I don't know why, exactly, I just know that I do.

Every morning I have great ideas - I will exercise, today. I will not yell, today. I will not have my obligatory yogurt and cheez-it snack before bed, today. I will go to sleep early, today, because Dear John is playing raquetball. Do I? No, and now, here we are. Awake, tired, tired of yelling, and not exercised.

Tally: - 0 for me, 4 for the world.

PS - how is it humanly possible that two small children can make such huge messes and in such little time? What, other than patience, could God be trying to teach me??